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In quale città?

EPC Business Integration Engineer

  • Tipo: Offerta di lavoro
  • Offerta inserita il: 24.03.2025
  • Offerta scade il: 22.04.2025
  • Posti disponibili: 1
  • Luogo: provincia di Milano
  • Categoria Professionale/Mansione: Tecnico Hardware e Software
  • Settore: Industrie manifatturiere
  • Offerta pubblicata da: Gi Group - RPO CV


Grafton Engineering is Gi Group's specialization dedicated to enhancing the experience, skills and potential of candidates in Design, Logistics & Supply Chain, Production&Maintenance, Quality - Safety & Environment, Process & Project Management.

SAIPEM SPA is a global leader in the engineering and construction of major projects for the energy and infrastructure sectors, both offshore and onshore. Saipem is “One Company” organized into five business lines - Asset Based Services, Energy Carriers, Offshore Wind, Sustainable Infrastructures, Robotics & Industrialized Solutions.

As an EPC Business Integration Engineer, you will join our Fabrication Control Management (FABCOM) department in the ABSER Business Line, and will be responsible for improving the EPC business model and integration tools, monitoring the compliance/extension/quality of their implementation.

You will support their development and improvement by supervising the data model and architecture, transmitting and analysing user feedback, specifying requirements, monitoring developments, testing solutions. As part of the team in charge of developing and maintaining the processes and tools for the Management of Project Execution phase (Material Management @ Site, Workface Planning, Production Control, Weld & NDT, QC during Construction, Mechanical Completion / Commissioning / Preservation, Workforce Management), you will contribute to:

  • Review of internal work processes, data architecture and interfaces among EPC Functions in compliance with AWP requirements
  • supervise the development and maintenance of software solution by external suppliers in collaboration with a dedicated internal IT office
  • deploy the process and tool to new Projects / Yards, train the trainers and final users in collaboration with a dedicated internal IT office
  • support the development and maintenance of report in Power BI

The perspective is to contribute in the process / tool finalization and deployment and, as a second possible step, to be inserted in a Project Management Team as a EPC Integration Manager to lead the correct set-up and application of the process and tool.

QUALIFICATION: Degree in Management/Informatics/Telecommunications Engineering or similar qualification


LABOUR RELATIONSHIP: permanent contract

YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: minimum required 2-3 years of experience

IT SKILLS: Advanced MS Office

SOFT SKILLS: Data analysis and management, aptitude to understand industrial work processes, initiative and creativity to identify optimal solutions, work in team

LOCATION: Milano (HQ) - Availability for short-stay assignments abroad worldwide (long-stay in perspective)

Facciamo parte di Gi Group Holding, la prima multinazionale italiana del lavoro e una tra le principali realtà che offrono servizi e consulenza HR a livello globale. 

Gi Group S.p.A. è autorizzata ad operare dal Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali (Aut. Min. 26/11/2004 PROT. 1101 - SG).

L’offerta si intende rivolta ai candidati nel rispetto del D.lgs. n. 198/2006 e e dei Decreti Legislativi n. 215 e n. 216 del 2003 sulle parità di trattamento.

I candidati sono invitati a leggere l’informativa privacy ai sensi degli artt. 13 e 14 del Reg. EU 679/2016 al seguente indirizzo

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