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Receptionist - accommodation provided

  • Tipo: Offerta di lavoro
  • Offerta inserita il: 05.03.2025
  • Offerta scade il: 04.04.2025
  • Posti disponibili: 1
  • Luogo: Certosa di Pavia (PV)
  • Categoria Professionale/Mansione: Segretaria commerciale
  • Settore: Alberghi, Ristoranti, Bar, Collettività
  • Offerta pubblicata da:

We are looking for a Receptionist to serve as our guests’ first point of contact and manage all aspects of their accommodation. Your responsibilities include registering guests, managing reservations and providing information about rooms, rates and amenities. If you have a knack for customer service and work experience in the hotel industry, we’d like to meet you. Responsibilities • Perform all check-in and check-out tasks • Welcome guests upon their arrival and assign rooms • Manage online and phone reservations • Provide information about our hotel, available rooms, rates and amenities • Register guests collecting necessary information (like contact details and exact dates of their stay) • Respond to clients’ complaints in a timely and professional manner • Upsell additional facilities and services, when appropriate • Maintain updated records of bookings and payments

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