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Front Office Manager (m/f/d)

  • Tipo: Offerta di lavoro
  • Offerta inserita il: 22.03.2025
  • Offerta scade il: 20.04.2025
  • Posti disponibili: 1
  • Luogo: Ugento (LE)
  • Categoria Professionale/Mansione: Segretaria/Assistente/Receptionist
  • Settore: Alberghi, Ristoranti, Bar, Collettività,Consulenza/Servizi
  • Offerta pubblicata da:

First impressions count, especially for our ROBINSON guests. As Front Office Manager you are responsible for the reception area at the club and simultaneously, you have a talent in organisation, able to motivate others and are a manager for quality. Along with your team, you make sure that nothing goes amiss with our guests from arrival to departure time. Not only do you hold everything together behind the scenes, at the same time, you are the bright face in the foreground.

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