Che lavoro cerchi?
In quale città?

F&B service operations trainee

  • Tipo: Offerta di lavoro
  • Offerta inserita il: 15.03.2025
  • Offerta scade il: 13.04.2025
  • Posti disponibili: 1
  • Luogo: Bologna (BO)
  • Categoria Professionale/Mansione: Cameriere/Barista/Cuoco
  • Settore: Alberghi, Ristoranti, Bar, Collettività
  • Offerta pubblicata da:

Aemilia Hotel and Savhotel are two independent, 4-star hotels, that have been ranking in the top 2 spots on TripAdvisor, out of 110 hotels in Bologna, continuously for the past several years. This result makes us proud and reflects our strong effort to win our daily mission, which is to provide maximum satisfaction to all our guests.


Our strong experience in training interns from the top European hotel management schools coupled with our belief that trainees should be an active and integral part of our teams, makes us an ideal choice to all those students that want to gain real work experience, take increasing responsibilities and play an important role in our organization.


Working with us, you will have the following opportunities:

- Work in a young, friendly, and vibrant environment

- Learn from an experienced and professional team

- Learn our customer-oriented and service-focused attitude

- Develop technical skills in the department of your interest

- Improve upon your knowledge of the Italian language


With an internship in the F&B department, you will have the great opportunity to gain experience in several different types of operations, including:

- breakfast service

- banquets (buffets, served lunches and gala dinners)

- coffee breaks and aperitifs

- a la carte restaurant

- bar

- in-room dining

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